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Курорты и города:


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Хано й (вьетн. Hà Nội, 河内, дословно «город между рек» или «(место) окруженное рекой») — столица Вьетн...


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Анзянг (вьетн. An Giang, 安江省) — провинция Вьетнама, расположенная в дельте р. Меконг. С западной и северо-з...


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Дана нг (вьетн. Đà Nẵng), четвёртый по величине город Вьетнама. Расположен на берегу Южно-Китайского моря. Име...


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Памятные места:

Храм Литературы

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Храм Литературы (Ван Мьеу, вьетн. Văn Miếu) был основан в 1070 г. императором Ли Тхань Тонгом в Ханое и посвящен Конф...

Собор Святого Иосифа

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Собор Святого Иосифа (англ. St. Joseph's Cathedral) — католический собор в новозеландском городе Данидин. Располагается в районе...

Достопримечательности Вьетнама

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Северные районы Вьетнама Ханой Ханой (Ha Noi, Hanoi) - древний город, политический, экономический и культурный центр государст...

Главная - Новости - Modern system which really helps !

Modern system which really helps !
Вьетнам - Новости туризма
26.04.2020 11:39


Intis Telecommunication - wide-scale system which could provide solution for varied problems. The mechanism helps to transfer message without difficulty.

Main part

According to the fast flow of our life and especially eager to utilise time - a vast majority of people prefer messages for the reason that that kind is the fastest and the most comfortable for modern people. .

Pros and Cons

Using SMS has a lot of benefits. For example:

The expected time of SMS distribution assembles from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (in case the place you are settled has network coverage).

Solutions by department

Each organization meet such concept as optimization of each operation. This should be done to satisfy client's needs.

SMS software is a great solution for marketers. It is a choice for all.

Bulk texting system considered to be a profitable instrument for reaching each of marketing aims. For example:

Clear automation and optimization of  timetable in campaigns. You will not neglect the fellows` birthday with the help of the SMS operating system.

You are free to share notifications about new offers. It is possible to personalize each bulk text and form it in original way.

Bulk texting could become an inherent part in the department`s everyday routine. SMS could help:

To transfer statistics to XLS or CSV just with one click.

Specified logs and online information will keep you updated in terms of last activity and sub-account performance.

web developers can integrate Intis Telecommunication API gateway.

By virtue of the option you are able to send a lot of  messages, update contact database.

Unlimited testing access to IntisTele messages software allows debugging your unique operating program solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Java.

IntisTele plugins and widgets are created for smoothing integration of most major CMS (WordPress).

Bulk texting commands are helpful for sysadmins as long as they could make distant administration and server management.

Business owners also can systematize their employees' timetable with the help of a SMS software. Set assignments for your colleagues.

Receive feedback from clients per SMS software.

Here it is possible to find an understandable web interface, payment options that will match every pocket and a very captivating affiliate program. Thankfully to bulk texting software:

Clients able to use MasterCard while working with message service..

You will be happy by the speed of SMS transferring.

Solutions by industry

The bulk texting system solution is perfect choice for travel. The SMS software solves a range of problems of different spheres in various industries.

It is a perfect solution for e-commerce. With SMS software exists an opportunity to establish notifications about special sales.

Bulk texts software considered to be the best solution to improve travel & transport actions and make people enjoy a better adventure in the time of thr journeys.

SMS software could be helpful for startups and IT. This application is vital for SaaS.

Bulk texting notify for providing security. It could be applied for public safety services.

SMS software prices

It is not difficult to refill your balance and decide the amount of money which you can provide. Intis Telecommunication is able offer numerous ways to top up the balance. For example, Paypal.


Application Programming Interface is a system, with the help of which one device is able to connect with the other one. This system was invented to mix varied applications in one complex.

With the help of Application programming interface you can have a list of contacts

It can be introduced to CRM.


In case you have any additional questions concerning the program and how it works, do not wait to visit IntisTele FAQ.

SMS guidelines


To send bulk texting about events could turn into the best solution for your business. It will boost your profit. Because of this messages are widely spread between service providers.

Information sources:



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